My mom told me a story from her childhood that I think deserves to be emblazoned upon the electric pages of the interwebs. She was at Sunday School for the first time in her life, which is weird enough already, right? I mean, you walk into a classroom, and right off the bat you notice all the animal crackers you're going to eat for snack later have wise men on their backs, and up in front of everything is the whole holy cast of the very serious felt. That's weird. So somehow my eight or nine year old m
om's gotten past all of this first-time-at-Sunday-School weirdness (I'd argue, by the way, that this weirdness continues for the duration of one's time in Sunday School). The Sunday School teacher tells the class that it's time for everyone to sing a song. What?! It's a cruel god that asks a person to believe stories that are crazy enough to require the descriptive qualities of a felt-board, but to ask your minions to sing in front of strangers? Nobody does that unless the strangers are Randy Jackson, that judge with the pretty hair and the pretty outfits, and Jennifer Lopez. So when it's my mom's turn to get up in front of everyone (kudos, Mom), she starts singing this old classic, "Gimme a Little Kiss." But apparently asking for kisses isn't really kosher with the J-Man because my ma got in trouble and was hushed like an Oscar-winner who's gotten to the I-want-to-thank-my-corn-pads part of her speech. I really like that my mom did this. It makes me think we could've been great troublemakers together if we'd grown up at the same time. But a daughter who's the same age as her mother is impossible like it's impossible for a dude to live inside a whale for a while, or for water to turn into wine at the shake of a Shake Weight.
Sarah Vaughn's "Gimme a Little Kiss":
P.S. Can we talk about that felt board picture I found? It tells me two things: Jesus digs brothers, and Jesus needs to learn to adjust to the culture at hand -- dude, get a pair of jeans and a t-shirt already.
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