We walked out empty-handed, but slick with other peoples' sweat. Not in the sexy way. In the way that makes you throw up a little in your mouth.
I saw a lot of this:

No, that is not a papasan that will look nice in your neatly-organized living room full of Swedish furniture. It is an ass the size of American Furniture Warehouse blocking your little turd path to the parking lot. And it will play some serious D. Move to the left? AFW ass moves to the left. Spin move to the right? AFW ass puts a hurt on. You will not get around AFW ass, so get used to looking at the wall of Poang chairs before you for at least the next five minutes. Then look at AFW ass until it moves to children's furniture where you will spend another ten to fifteen minutes thinking that these things would look nice in your house if you were a breeder and you wanted your kid to sleep under a giant fake leaf.

Which your kid might like. Or it could give her nightmares about a giant, or the creepy teacher at school turning her into some sort of a delicious lettuce wrap.
My daughter took me to an Ikea in Chicago for the experience. My feet wore out before I saw all the cute rooms. So I left the group and had a snack in the coffe shop. I wanted to buy the purple poka dot sheets, but they were sold out of the size I wanted. I did end up with a ultra cool desk pad for my Mother's Day present. Where does this end up being posted Beka?