Saturday, April 23, 2011

China is Weird

Thanks to an episode of South Park, I now know who Wing the Chinese Dancing Queen is. What's with you, China? Do you have dehydrated chicken feet in your ears? Or maybe there's a giant wall in between you and the hundreds of YouTube videos I just watched.

Wing sings AC/DC:

Wing is apparently huge in China. They love her. She's like their Justin Bieber, but without the hoody. Seriously. Every time a cat's in heat a million young Chinese girls flock to the scene. Then when they find out it was just a cat in heat, they skin it, dehydrate it, then cover it in chocolate and call it an after school snack.

You're Mr.Lebowski, I'm The Dude

I'm kind of getting good at bowling. My mom bowls in a league and gets free bowling, and I have extra time and a pretty nice follow-through, so things are pretty much working out. I've got my own bowling shoes (they're mine, and I bought them new, but they say "rental" on the side), I've considered buying my own bowling ball, and I LOVE White Russians. Pretty soon all I'll need is a receding hairline.

Fun fact: whenever Levi goes bowling with me and my mom, my mom is newly impressed by how fast Levi's bowling ball rolls into the pins. She says, usually more than once an outing, "Boy, that Levi, he sure has powerful balls." It's really embarrassing.

Things You Might See Walking Out of a Convenience Store

Yesterday I was driving my husband home from the train station (dude, get a pair of Wheelies, already, am I right?), and we were passing a dirty old convenience from which a man with a bottle of soda and a limp were hobbling. I would've turned to Levi, but that's very unsafe, so I just stared straight ahead and said, "I've got my Mountain Dew, I've got my wooden leg..." That's it. That's all I said, and Levi was impressed by me for the rest of the evening. Life is good.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

127 Hours, Two Minutes on the Bathroom Floor

Levi and I FINALLY got Netflix. Seriously, who are we? My mom had Netflix like two years ago, and she doesn't even know how to use her DVD player. Anyway, last night Levi and I watched our first Netflix movie, "127 Hours". It's that movie about the guy who goes hiking in Canyonlands alone and ends up getting stuck between a rock and a hard place, which, not coincidentally, is the name of his memoir. Dude really was stuck between a rock and a hard place, which forced him to drink his own urine. And he cut off his own arm. It was a decidedly bad week.

So the cut off his own arm part -- it's only like a two-minute scene, but it's grisly and the amputation is done almost entirely with a 100% dull one and a half inch multi-tool, which came as a bonus gift with a flashlight. Imagine cutting a rare T-bone steak with the handle end of a plastic spork and I imagine you're getting close. Only it's your frigging arm and you have to snap the bone so you can rub your spork back and forth through the break in the bone, but only after you sever the tendons with, I don't know, the less-round end of your completely empty Nalgene bottle? There was jerky-snapping and blood gushing and grown man screaming. So Levi and I watch that scene and a couple minutes later Levi heads to the bathroom. Later I find out that he was feeling sick to his stomach, but first I heard a kind of large thud. I'd just replaced the toilet paper that day, and it was one of those super-double rolls, but it seemed like a little more bang than a TP buck could ever provide, but I thought, eh, maybe the toilet tipped over or something. Then another thud. I got up and found Levi on the floor, totally passed out. His eyes were open, but I was asking him if he could hear me and he didn't respond. For how long do you ask a person who's laid out on the ground if they can hear you before you actually do something? I don't know, but it's at least fourteen seconds. That's when Levi started mumbling, then talking, then, eventually, slurping on the water I'd brought. It was horrible. There's my husband on the ground, not moving or talking, and I was thinking how will I ever pay for Netflix on my own? I should've gotten Netflix life insurance!

Netflix is a shit ton of entertainment for ten bucks a month. We find it's much more fun than hand puppets, especially when you can only make a sort-of dog whose face does this melty Gary Busey thing when you try to move its ears. And now I'm searching for movies in categories other than "self-amputation".

Monday, April 11, 2011

Don't Fuck With Me -- I'm Sharpening My Stick

That's both a marshmallow-roasting stick AND a brother spear. Who wants to go camping?!


I was clicking through some of Thelonious' puppy pics and decided some are blog-worthy (not that that means a damned thing since I'll put any damned thing on this damned thing). He was far cuter when he was tiny, which I hear is basically true of all things. Not more desirable, though, as you know if you've ever experienced a tiny cupcake. Oh, and sorry about the puppy butt hole.

Where's Becko?

Time for everybody's favorite finding game...

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Joy of eBay

I like eBay. I like eBay like I like ice cream. I like eBay like I like a David Letterman letterman jacket that Monica Lewinsky wore to a hot dog stand in 2002. Ebay (EBay?) is the world's premiere online garage sale where you can go to buy other peoples' unwanted closet stuffing and/or stolen goods. Since I was just at my mom's house, digging through some of my old things that've been strategically removed to the basement, I've got a couple of treasures of my own up on eBay right now. You should read the descriptions.

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Non-Convenience of Convenience

Thank you, Kleenex, for the clever way your tissues pull each other out of the box. I appreciate the handiness of a fresh canvas for my nose juice, especially during a cold or coke binge. No thank you, Thelonious, for turning a clever idea into one of your silly dog games.

At first I thought maybe the rubber tree plant did it, but this clue (and the furry thing sitting in front of the mess) led me to a pointier-nosed culprit: