Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Third World Underpants
Turns out Levi didn't like the idea of me photographing, then posting a picture of his disintegrating underpants on the World Wide Web. So I guess everyone will have to wait until next Christmas. After all, nothing says "happy holidays" like a picture of somebody else's threadbare skivvies. Sorry for the fake out -- I really think people could learn something about when to say when, and about life in general, from this particular pair of undies -- but I like my husband and don't think I could defend myself in divorce court with that argument.
Boot Lust: Part II

I've always sort of wished I had multiple pairs of feet. Vintage Boot Company is making me wish I had multiple pairs of feet AND a horsey. You know, to wear my cool boots on.
Levi's been playing this XBox game called "Red Dead Redemption" in which a sort of outlaw cowboy travels across a fake map shootin' shit, to be blunt. Although he's mostly a decent and halfway intelligent like cowboy, so there are no congressional districts in his crosshairs. That's a Sarah Palin reference (the crosshairs part, not the halfway intelligent part) who, by the way, is trying to explain her "blood libel" comment. She just wants to make sure everyone knows she never meant to get anyone's feathers all refudiated. So anyway, "Red Dead Redemption". The cowboy, John Marston, he's got a lot of leather and some cool boots and, as a result, we both kind of want to dress up like cowboys and ride horses to the bar, drink whiskey out of our hats, and rub our boots together under the table while we're cheatin' at poker.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Is That A Banana On Your Lip?
It would be fun to play a round of "Name That Moustache," but that would mean more work than the two of you are worth, so, for your enjoyment, I've selected photos of a few famous moustaches and posted them below.

Here you see Salvador Dali taking a dip with his moustache while trying to keep his balance on a pool noodle. I'd talk more about this photo, but look at the time -- it's melty o'clock.

This guy was able to strike dudes out just by twisting the ends of his handlebar. And that concludes this blog post's episode of Accidental Dirty Joke.

He may not have 1,299 strikeouts, and he may not be in the Baseball Hall of Fame, but Justin Bieber sure knows how to grow a marker moustache.

Every moustache photo buffet deserves a trick picture.

This one's a lot like the Bieber-stache, only it's real and it got this guy tons of chicks.

You know you've always wondered what the "m" in E = mc2 stands for.

Who knows who this guy is, or what kind of fertilizer he uses, but it looks like he'd be tough to use in a milk commercial.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Levi's Underpants
Levi has this pair of underpants that is mostly indescribable. I believe they are priceless and should be under a glass cube in an underpants museum. They're regular guy briefs, right? But they've been worn so many times that they're both transparent and down to one or two threads in what would seem to be very important places. Let me emphasize -- he took these very underpants off yesterday, implying that he still wears them. They are truly something to behold -- I even Googled "disintegrating underpants" and nothing like what I have hidden somewhere in our home even exists on the internet. Levi would like it very much if I didn't post a picture of them, but you can vote over there on the right and we'll just let the community decide.
Monday, January 10, 2011
You Say Boehner, I Say Boner
The new Speaker of the House, John Boehner, has selected a large gavel to use during House sessions. You know what they say about a guy with a big gavel -- he's got a small majority.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011
T-T-T-Talk of the Nation
Let me preface this by saying that I listen to NPR. I listen to NPR all the time. Like all day. And I listen really, really hard. And intelligent, thoughtful people listen to NPR, so don't judge.
But on "Talk of the Nation" today Neal Conan did a segment on stuttering and, before anything even started, I was getting excited to hear people stutter on the air in the same way I get excited to watch this "Hole in the Wall" video:
Obviously our dog, Thelonious, thinks our leather couch stole some old lady's purse, or held up a convenience store, or did some insider trading, because he took a nice, big bite out of it.

And lately he's been carelessly leaving his iPod Nano just lying around the house like someone who doesn't care much about nice things. For the record, that's nice things and a healthy doggy figure to which Thelonious is giving the middle pad.

Monday, January 3, 2011
Boot Debt
I don't know if I'm the only one who rolls this way, but I tend to over-buy things (that is, buy many of the same thing, but in different sizes and colors -- kind of like how Michael Jackson did with noses), then sort of use them, test them, feel and love them for a few days, then take most of them back and keep the one that ended up fitting my very particular bill. This week's culprit: Sorel's super awesome lace-up Cate the Great snow boot with super awesome oversized stitching details and super awesome over-the-boot Nanook-style leather gaiters. They're bad ass and, according my numerous below-zero, mucho snow tests over the last couple of days, they are not only good-looking, but they function well as winter boots.

I highly recommend you own at least one pair of these boots. They will make you happy like this lady:

But beware -- when you take back the pair you bought from REI, you'll feel really bad about wasting the partially-deaf shoe-fetcher's time. Thank goodness this year I made a resolution to feel less bad about being an asshole.
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