Sunday, October 14, 2012


IKEA says it regrets that it removed images of women from its Saudi Arabian catalogues. Who has room for women when you're trying to pack a bed, a dining table, and a couch all into the same 100 square-foot space?

Georgia Congressman Paul Broun says evolution, embryology, and the Big Bang theory are "lies from the pit of hell." You know, hell -- the thing God created right after he made congressmen.

Vladimir Putin just had a birthday. He celebrated as he does every year -- by rescuing a litter of rare puppies from an active volcano while dangling, bare-chested, from a helicopter.

The Mormon church has lowered age requirements for missionaries. It used to be 18, but they've changed the requirement to being tall enough to knock.

U.S. Protestants have lost majority status. That title has officially transferred to Americans wearing howling wolf t-shirts.

Cattle farmers who are struggling with record corn prices are feeding their cows candy. Now you can order your steak medium, medium well, or with sprinkles.

Mitt Romney says he would pursue no abortion legislation if elected president. As if Mitt wasn't enough of a ladies' man.

A 14-year-old German boy pawned some of his mom's jewelry so he'd have money to visit a brothel. The kid will get a spanking, just not of the variety he was hoping for.

Florida Governor Rick Scott accidentally gave out a sex hotline number instead of a meningitis hotline number. See? Meningitis isn't all bad.

Taylor Swift says drinking wine makes her "feel classy". You know what else makes her feel classy? Not dating Kanye West.

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