Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Eyebrow Factory

It's been pretty warm here in the Queen City of the West, we have no air conditioner, but a ceiling fan that blows our misery around the room, and Thelonious is shedding fur like a congressman sheds his pants for a Twitter pic. Like a good wife, I sweep every day, and every day I come up with the same pile of white fuzz (and mud and house plant pieces and long lost macaroni). Today, after furminating Thelonious (there is an actual pet brush called the "Furminator," and we have it), I took a couple of Christmas card pictures.

In this one you see Andy Rooney's eyebrows when Andy is very curious about something -- Why the mail doesn't come every day at precisely the same time? Who's stolen his fourteen carat slinky? Which tweed jacket to look grumpy in? We'll never know.

And here you see Thelonious wearing Andy Rooney's eyebrows. Doesn't he look like such a wrinkly old asshole?

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