I may or may not have mentioned that Levi blew out his back jelly earlier in the year. It was a fine time -- Levi was in tremendous pain and laid out on the floor under a heap of ice packs (turns out one's all it really takes), and I was delivering various things to him upon every sound of the sick bell, which sounded like a whiny version of my name. Anyway, because of this back injury, he must do core exercises and yoga on every other day, or he will crumple like a Denver Bronco. And there's this one yoga pose that requires him to do a lunge sort of thing and put his arms together over his head. It looks like this:

But without the finger in the corner of the frame, and from the front he really looks like a cheerleader, so when he strikes this pose, I always strike the same pose right in front of him and yell "Gimme an A!" Only, because one of my arms is crooked, I give him a "D", and I end up being the one who looks silly. Until Levi flips the page to the tortoise pose (i.e. Gumby run over by a freight train), which looks like this:
Then we start the cycle all over again -- pain, ice packs, sick bell. Life's a funny cycle.
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