Thursday, October 27, 2011


A motorcycle gang feud erupted outside of a California Starbucks. You thought you got upset when the barista forgets your extra shot, you should've seen Bone Eater when the barista forgot his whipped cream.

Rick Perry and Mitt Romney don't seem to like one another. You'd get tired of another guy being in your Just For Men commercial, too.

The U.S.'s most powerful nuclear bomb is being dismantled. That's right -- they're draining the "Jersey Shore" hot tub.

Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler knocked his teeth out. Sometimes when you're livin' on the edge, you slip and do that.

The mother of a missing baby admitted that she was drunk when the girl disappeared. Occupy motherhood!

President Obama has his Halloween costume picked out. He wants to go as something really scary, so he thought he'd dress as the future of social security.

Rick Perry might be a birther. It's true -- Rick Perry has had a nice, close look at President Obama's birth certificate, and no where on that piece of paper does it say the guy was born in Texas.

Martha Stewart's daughter says her mom pointed a glue gun at her head. But can you blame Martha when her kid's head looked so much like a pine cone?

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